A Collection of Highland Strathspey Reels
by McFadyen, John
Full title: A Collection of Highland Strathspey Reels Selected from the Best Authors with a Bass for the Violoncello or Harp[sichor]d
Publisher: Glasgow: J. McFadyen
Printer: Printed and Sold by J.McFadyen [replacing name of previous publisher, according to Kidson]
Date: [1802]
Despite the title, most of the Highland Strathspey Reels are towards the back of the book: the repertoire is much more varied than this, and includes some variation sets, jigs, country dances. Slow tunes are arranged for two violins and bass, or varied, but not fast ones.
GB-P copy has slightly different title, and spelling MacFadyen: "Collection of Highland Strathspey Reels [...] with a bass for the violoncello or harp. Dedicated to Miss Campbell of Shawfield. Glasgow, 1802."
Comparing GB-Gm copies of this and McFadyen's Repository, 'Miss Admiral Gordon's Reel' has the same variations, with tiny rhythmic differences and a simpler bassline - other tunes common to both books also have simpler basses here.
The basslines are mostly single note, some repetitive four-beat, and many other figurations. 'The Bonniest Lass in a the Warld' appears with the bassline from McGibbon.
Gore: MC7-1
Biographical info: John McFadyen senior fl. in Wilson Street, Glasgow, c.1790-1817 as music seller/publisher, taking over some of Aird's plates. SBTI does not list him as early as 1800, but traces his business as late as 1844. The business was continued by sons Joseph and John. (Kidson, SBTI, Humphries & Smith)
- GB-A
- Aberdeen University Library
- GB-Bu
- Birmingham University Library
- GB-Cu
- Cambridge University Library
- GB-DRu
- University Library, Durham
- GB-DUcl
- Dundee Central Library (Wighton Collection)
- GB-En
- National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
- GB-Ep
- Edinburgh City Library
- GB-Eu
- Edinburgh University Library
- GB-Gm
- Mitchell Library, Glasgow
- GB-Grc
- Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow
- GB-Gu
- University of Glasgow Library
- GB-Lam
- Royal Academy of Music, London
- GB-Lbl
- British Library, London
- GB-Lcm
- Royal College of Music, London
- GB-Lcs
- Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, Cecil Sharp House, London
- GB-Mp
- Manchester Public Library
- GB-Mr
- Manchester University Library
- GB-NTu
- Newcastle University Library
- GB-Ob
- Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
- GB-P
- A K Bell Library, Perth
- Saint Andrews University Library
- Sheffield University Library
- IRL-Dn
- National Library of Ireland, Dublin
- IRL-Dtc
- Trinity College Dublin
GB-DRu Fleming SF.545(a)
GB-Gm M8750 / 786.45
GB-P Bf34
GB-P Bf25 (pp.3-4 only)
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