A Second Collection of Curious Scots Tunes
by Oswald, James
Full title: A second collection of curious Scots tunes: for a violin and German flute with a through bass for the harpsicord; by Mr. James Oswald
Date: [1743]
Mary-Jannet Leith (2024, 76-77 & 224) has established that this volume was in fact published before Oswald's 'A Curious Collection of Scots Tunes'.
Gore: O1 (O181)
Biographical info: Oswald was born in Crail in 1710, and died in Knebworth, Hertfordshire, in 1769. He was a musician and dancing master in Dunfermline, then went to Edinburgh, where he was a composer, publisher, cellist, and teacher. He moved to London in 1741, where he was a well-connected teacher, publisher, active in Society of the Temple of Apollo, and appointed Chamber Composer to the king in 1761. (Alburger; Grove)
- GB-A
- Aberdeen University Library
- GB-Bu
- Birmingham University Library
- GB-Cu
- Cambridge University Library
- GB-DRu
- University Library, Durham
- GB-DUcl
- Dundee Central Library (Wighton Collection)
- GB-En
- National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
- GB-Ep
- Edinburgh City Library
- GB-Eu
- Edinburgh University Library
- GB-Gm
- Mitchell Library, Glasgow
- GB-Grc
- Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow
- GB-Gu
- University of Glasgow Library
- GB-Lam
- Royal Academy of Music, London
- GB-Lbl
- British Library, London
- GB-Lcm
- Royal College of Music, London
- GB-Lcs
- Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, Cecil Sharp House, London
- GB-Mp
- Manchester Public Library
- GB-Mr
- Manchester University Library
- GB-NTu
- Newcastle University Library
- GB-Ob
- Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
- GB-P
- A K Bell Library, Perth
- Saint Andrews University Library
- Sheffield University Library
- IRL-Dn
- National Library of Ireland, Dublin
- IRL-Dtc
- Trinity College Dublin
GB-DUcl 21262
GB-En Glen 310
GB-Ob Harding Mus. L 14 (2)
GB-Ob Harding Mus. F 134 (2)
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