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- Aird, James
- Alexander, John
- Anderson, John
- Baillie, Peter
- Barsanti, Francis [Francesco]
- Bayne, Charles
- Boag, W.
- Boick, James
- Bowie, John
- Bowie, Peter
- Bremner, Robert
- Bride, Richard
- Broderip, Robert
- Burns, John
- Calvert, Thomas
- Campbell, Alexander
- Campbell, James
- Campbell, Joshua
- Campbell, William
- Christie, William
- Clagget, Walter
- Clark, John
- Clark, John
- Clarkson, John (junior)
- Clarkson, John (senior)
- Cooper, Isaac
- Corri, Dussek, & Co.
- Craig, Adam
- Cumming, Angus
- Cunningham, William
- Dale, Joseph
- Daniel, James
- Ding, Laurence
- Dow, Daniel
- Duff, Archibald
- Duff, Charles
- Dun, Finlay
- Eglinton, Hugh Montgomerie
- Female Amateur, A
- Fraser, Simon
- French, John
- Gibb, Alexander
- Glen, John
- Goulding, George
- Gow, John
- Gow, John & Andrew
- Gow, Nathaniel
- Gow, Nathaniel & Mrs. Robertson of Lady-Kirk
- Gow, Nathaniel and A Gentleman
- Gow, Niel
- Gow, Niel & Sons
- Gow, Niel & William Marshall
- Gow, Niel [?]
- Gow, [Nathaniel] & Shepherd
- Graham, T. S.
- Grant, Donald
- Gunn, John
- Hall, John
- Hamilton, John
- Hime, Morris
- Jenkins, George
- Johnson, Abraham
- Keith, Malcolm
- Ladies, resident in a remote part of the Highlands of Scotland
- Lady, A
- Lady, A Young
- Lavenu, & Mitchell
- Leburn, Alexander
- Linley, Francis [?]
- Longman, John
- Lowe, Joseph
- MacGlashan, John
- Macdonald, Donald
- Macdonald, Malcolm
- Macintosh, Abraham
- Macintyre, Duncan
- Mackay, Alexander
- Mackintosh, Robert
- Mancor, Peter
- Marshall [?], William
- Marshall, William
- Maxwell, Alexander
- McDonald, Patrick
- McFadyen, John
- McGibbon, William
- McGlashan, Alexander
- McGoun, Archibald
- McGregor, John
- McIntosh, Alexander
- McKercher, Duncan
- McKercher, Duncan
- McLaren, Daniel
- McLean, Charles
- Morison, John
- Morrison, William
- Munro, Alexander
- Napier, William
- Nicolson, Henry
- Oswald, James
- Parker, Mrs
- Payne, William
- Peacock, Francis
- Petrie, Robert
- Playford, Henry
- Playford, John
- Porteous, James
- Preston, John and Thomas
- Pringle, John
- Reinagle, Alexander
- Riddell, Capt. Robert
- Riddell, John
- Ritchie, Matthew
- Robertson, Alexander
- Robertson, Daniel
- Ross, Robert
- Shepherd, William
- Shirrefs, Andrew
- Sime, David
- Smart, Thomas
- Stewart, Alexander
- Stewart, Charles
- Stewart, Neil
- Stirling, Miss Magdalena of Ardoch
- Stratton, Alexander
- Stuart, Alexander
- Surenne, John Thomas
- Sutherland, James
- Taylor, James
- Thompson, Samuel, Ann & Peter
- Thumoth, Burk
- Turnbull, [John]
- Walker, James
- Walsh, John
- Watlen, John
- Wood, Andrew & Co.
- Young, John